Witte Museum Service Day

Youth group students and their families have a chance to volunteer at the Witte museum garden doing upkeep and beautification projects. The volunteer session will last from 8:30 am -12 pm, and afterward, students can go inside the museum! Water and snacks will be provided for all participants.
Youth Group Picnic

Youth Group Picnic. Instead of our regularly scheduled youth group, both middle and high school students will meet at the Olmos Basin Park for an evening of fun and games. This event will take place from 5 – 7:30 pm.
Virtual Book Club, Summer 2022

On Wednesday nights, from June 15 – July 27, the youth have the chance to meet virtually every week for a book club. We will be reading The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis. The meeting will take place via Zoom and last from 7 – 8 pm. If you are interested in joining the book […]