
Marriage is a reflection and incarnation of God’s will for human persons in committed relationships, and Christian marriages are both pronounced and lived out in the presence of a community of faith. Choosing to be married at St. Luke’s acknowledges that you believe the marriage ceremony to be primarily a sacrament of the church and a worship service. The joining of two people in the sacramental rite of marriage is such a blessing and we are happy for your journey!

Some things to consider:

To be married in the Episcopal Church at least one of the persons getting married must be a baptized Christian.  All couples must participate in canonically required pre-marital counseling sessions for a marriage in the Episcopal Church. This is done either with a member of the St. Luke’s Clergy or a qualified counselor or therapist that has been approved by the Rector.

It is preferred to contact the church at least six months in advance or as early as one year before the wedding date in order to guarantee that no scheduling conflicts occur.

Typically, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church does not allow marriages to be celebrated during the season of Lent (from Ash Wednesday through Easter Day), Sundays, holidays, or holiday weekends. Special circumstances can be discussed with the Rector.

For further guidelines regarding the church, the service, music, flowers, photography, and fees (both member and non-member), please see our Wedding Customary and Wedding Information Sheet.

Once you have had a chance to thoroughly review the Wedding Customary and understand all that is required, please contact the church’s Ministry Support Associate, Sara Spreen, at 210-828-6425, to begin the scheduling process.