Lent at St. Luke's
Shrove Tuesday, March 4
Shrove Tuesday marks the last hurrah before the seriousness of Lent begins. Join us in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 4 at 5:30 pm for a pancake dinner prepared by the youth and Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Donations are accepted. This is an all-ages event. We will offer Mardi Gras activities appropriate for children. We also plan to have a Pancake Relay Race!
Ash Wednesday, March 5
All services will include Holy Communion and imposition of ashes. You’re welcome to join St. Luke’s School for their Ash Wednesday Chapel service at 8:00 am. We will hold a said service at noon and our choir will join us at our 6:00 pm service. If you are attending the 8:00 service please check in at the School’s Jones Lobby first. Childcare will be available at the 6:00 pm service.
Habits of the Household
Habits of the Household will be our parents’ book focus through Lent. Join smaller parent groups in book clubs or fun gatherings throughout Lent to use this book guide as a tool to find relief along with simple practices to help you and your family draw closer to God.
Home Family Group: Bonnie Grubbs and Chelsea Shaw host a Home Family Group on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Reach out to Bonnie Grubbs at bonnie1086@gmail.com for more details.
Adult Formation Class: The Rev. Alex Holloway will teach and lead a discussion using the book guide through Lent during our Sunday 10:00 am formation hour in the Large Conference Room.
Monday Lunch Book Club: Kris Spilker will host at Panera (999 E Basse Rd) at noon on Monday, March 10.
You choose! Reach out to Kris Spilker if you would like to host (bonus if you have a co-host) on other days and times! The book and guide are approachable with awesome ideas that are oh so tangible.
Wednesdays in Lent
“Here Am I. Send me.”
This year we partner with other local Episcopal churches for our Lenten programming. Each Wednesday we will travel to a different church, eat dinner together, hear a presentation exploring how each of us hears the Lord’s call on our lives and answers it, like Isaiah, through our vocations. After dinner, children are invited to an interactive mixed age group focus on the storyline of Jesus’s life with fun activities. RSVP below.
- March 12 – St. Paul’s
- March 19 – St. Luke’s
- March 26 – St. George’s
- April 2 – Reconciliation
- April 9 – St. Margaret’s
- 5:30 Dinner
- 6:00 Program
- 7:00 Compline
Family Hike & Picnic, March 22
Saturday, March 22 at Brakenridge Park from 9:00 – 11:00am
Bring your own snacks or picnic and blanket
We will begin and end the walk by the train station.
9:00 – Meet at the Pecan Grove next to the San Antonio Zoo Train Depot https://maps.app.goo.gl/SAFuYa3EzC5WUykLA
10:30 – Circle back to the Pecan Grove for Picnic. Families with little ones ride the train!
We will have some family friendly Lenten talking points for those wish. Please come with the expectation of being loved and embraced no matter the chaos or the weather! For singles, families, children, teens–all ages welcome!