Christmas Poinsettia Dedications Deadline
Sponsor a poinsettia plant that will decorate the altar and chancel areas this Christmas season for a donation of $20. These gifts make beautiful memorials, thanksgiving offerings, honorariums, or celebrations of friends and/or family members. Your name and dedication will be printed in the Christmas bulletins. Dedications this year are due no later than Sunday, December 18. Order your poinsettias online at, or use an offering envelope available in the pews. Drop them in the offering plate, or mail/bring them to the office. You can also email your dedication to Sara Spreen at
For Christmas Poinsettia dedications:
In the Loving Memory of Sam S. White
In loving Memory of Marlene Schenck
In Thanksgiving for Claire and Ella White
Thanks, Heidi! I forwarded your dedications to Sara. -V